Live Performance Projects

After my studies in Sculpture at Gray’s School of Art I started working as a stage technician in order to experience the design and craft techniques used in design for performance. This informed my practice greatly and has allowed me to bring a unique approach to my film work in the years since.

Sinatra: The Final Curtain (2014-2016)

Kingdom Theatre Company

A biographical tale charting the successes and heartbreaks of crooner legend Frank Sinatra. Told from his hospital bed having suffered a heart attack, the singer reminisces on his glory days and what he might have done differently whilst being looked after by his young nurse.

F*cked: A tale of bubbles and crashes (2016)

Merchant Culture

A show that shows the fragile nature of the economy set at the time of the 2008 economic crash. Told through the experiences of people affected positively and negatively by the volatile nature and high-stakes of the financial sector.


Outwith (pre-producton)